I Thought I Was Too Good For Community College

Whether you are about to head to college (no matter what your age may be), if you have a child who is about to attend college, or if you know someone who is about to experience this, then this article is for you. When I was around 17, I applied to several different colleges, but…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: February 17, 2025

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4 reasons you should go to community college firstWhether you are about to head to college (no matter what your age may be), if you have a child who is about to attend college, or if you know someone who is about to experience this, then this article is for you.

When I was around 17, I applied to several different colleges, but one mistake I made was that I didn’t even give community college a thought.

Unfortunately, there is a stigma attached to going to community college, like thinking it is for those that can’t get into a “regular” college, for those that don’t have enough money, or for those that have no other options. When, in fact, these are all far from the truth.

And, sadly, I bought into these myths and thought I was too good for community college. If you want to save money in college, community college is a great way to do that.

The stigma about going to community college is absolutely ridiculous.

And, I was a young kid, so, of course, I let other people’s opinions get to me. And, I thought everyone was right!

It isn’t just kids that believe those myths about community college, as even adults (parents or returning learners) buy into those myths.

Well, that is a big mistake!

For many people, community college should be their first choice.

College costs are increasing, and they’re not going to stop anytime soon.

According to College Board, the average yearly tuition and fees for a:

  • Private four-year college is $32,410.
  • Public four-year college for out-of-state students is $23,890.
  • Public four-year college for in-state students is $9,410.

Community college, on the other hand, is just $3,440.

Those tuition differences are huge, and just look at how much you could save if you did only your first year at community college!

For many people, going to college means taking out loans, and according to a student survey done by Nerdwallet, 48% of undergrad borrowers said they could have borrowed less and still have afforded their educations. And, 27% regretted going to a school that required them to take out loans to afford their tuition.

I know this regret personally.

I only spent one summer semester taking classes at community college, where I earned 12 credits, and I still regret not taking more. I probably could have saved over $20,000 by taking more classes at my local community college.

Yes, I could have saved that much money!

Whether you are in college already or if you haven’t started yet, taking classes at a community college can be a great way to save money.

Today, I want to talk about common myths I hear about community college, so that I can persuade more people to give it a shot. It can save you so much money, and is a great option for a lot of people.

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Here are common myths about attending community college:


But, all of my credits won’t transfer.

This is the top reason (and myth) I hear for not attending community college.

If you take the correct steps, the credits you earn at a community college will transfer.

If you decide to go to a community college first, always make sure that the 4-year college you plan on attending afterwards will accept all of your credits. It’s an easy step to take, so do not forget to look into this! You should take this step before you sign up and pay for any classes at the community college so that you are not wasting your time.

My four-year university made it easy and had a printed list of what transferred from the local community college – it’s seriously that easy! I’m sure many universities do this as well.

When I took classes for college credit in high school and at the community college, I made sure that all of the classes transferred to the university in which I was getting my degree from.

I have heard too many stories about people not checking this ahead of time and wasting years by taking classes that didn’t transfer, which means you are wasting time and money.

Make sure you get it in writing and talk to your college counselor as well about this. They can help you determine which ones will transfer and provide you proof of transferability.

Also, know that by accepting transfer credits, your four-year university is basically saying “these community college credits mean the same thing here.”


Community college won’t actually save me that much money.

I want to repeat, the average yearly tuition and fees for a:

  • Private four-year college is $32,410.
  • Public four-year college for out-of-state students is $23,890.
  • Public four-year college for in-state students is $9,410.

And, community college is $3,440.

As you can see, college tuition is a significant amount of money, and it is a drastic difference between four-year institutions and community college.

Now, the problem here is that many people “afford” college by taking out student loans, so the amount of money you are paying for college isn’t an immediate thing that you “feel” – because it’s all debt!

Note: If you are a parent and you are thinking about taking on debt to put your child through school, please, please, please consider having them attend community college first. Please, also read Should I Ruin My Retirement By Helping My Child Through College?


The classes won’t be as good.

I’ve heard this community college myth over and over again. Many people think that the classes won’t be “good enough” for them. That is usually far from the case, though. Your first two years, no matter where you go, are most likely going to consist of very generic classes or classes that are similar, if not the same, as ones at the four-year college you are thinking about attending.

It’s usually not until the last two years, after you get those beginner classes and electives out of the way, that your classes really begin to matter for your degree.

And, if you’re afraid you really need more of those beginner classes from a four-year college, I recommend at least taking a summer semester or two at your community college for elective classes. There are usually lots of elective options at community college, and you can at least take those at a more affordable rate. That is exactly what I did – one summer while I was attending my four-year college, I enrolled at the community college for a bunch of electives. I was able to easily, and affordably, knock out a bunch of electives.


My degree will be worth less coming from a community college.

When you graduate with a four-year degree, the school name on your diploma will be the name of the college you graduated from. It won’t say, “graduated from here but took some classes at community college.” This is because your community college credits transferred (if you followed the step above).

So, no worries here.

Nowhere on my college degree does it say that I took some classes at the community college.

Did you attend community college? Why or why not?

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. You make some really great points here Michelle. With the insane cost of 4 year college continually going up, more people should consider Community College for sure. I would even take it a step further and say that some people should seriously think about what they might want to do in life and consider not going to college at all if they think their value to society would be better placed in a different kind of work. Of course, not many kids have that much knowledge and self-awareness at the age of 18.

    1. kg

      I think community college is a great idea. Especially to get courses that transfer at a cheaper cost.

      I actually went to a community college a couple of years after graduating from high school. I didn’t really know anybody that went to college or even thought it was an option. I just wanted a better job. So I decided to go get a 2 year degree while working which took me a little longer than 2 years.

      After I graduated and got hired my employer paid me to take work related classes at a regular college and I ended up with a four year degree after about 10 more years. That was real good deal. It’s not that hard to work and go to school a little bit at a time.

  2. I have a long ways to go before my kids will be old enough for college, and I’m not sure if canada has the same structure. All I know is that they will go to the cheapest place! I graduated from an online college, and it definitely didn’t break the bank. I would do that again.

    1. Yeah, I have a very long way before I have to think about this again, haha.

    2. Dash2Retire

      While most people in the US use the terms “college” and “university” interchangeably, this is not the case in Canada. When people say university in Canada, they are usually referring to a 4-year school which grants a Bachelor’s Degree at graduation. When people say college in Canada, they are usually referring to a 2-year or 3-year program which grants an Associate’s Degree (or degree in a specialized trade) at graduation. The latter is most like a community college in the US.

  3. Great post. There certainly was a stigma attached to community college when I was making that decision. Looking back, the price I paid for a 4-year wasn’t that bad and I didn’t have that much in student loans, but if I had to do it in this day and age when prices have skyrocketed community college would definitely be the way to go stigma or no stigma.

  4. Danielle

    Great list, it worked for me!

    I would also add that not everyone finishes at a four year college. From a community college, one could at least get a certificate or associates degree. My brother found his future career in his second year of community college and is now a successful business owner in a field that didn’t exist when he was in school.

    Another point is maturity and personality. Living in a dorm is not required for education, some would do much better growing up a bit first before or instead of going away to college.

    You never know where life will take you!

  5. I’ve found this discussion to be a fascinating one. In the end, I think it depends on the student.

    A bright, motivated and high achieving student can certainly make CC work and realize huge savings.

    I did not go this route. I got into my #1 choice of 4-year college and was accepted into the major I wanted. Going to a CC and transferring would not have guaranteed me that spot. Being in a top four-year school from day one was competitive. To keep up, I needed to work hard and I did. By going to a four-year school, I got a great education and ended up with a good job. Sure, it would be nice to have started with more money in the bank or less debt but I can’t argue with the result I got myself.

    I also really appreciate the non-academic life lessons I gained from going to college away from home. Those lessons may have been more valuable than the classes themselves.

    Had I chosen CC, maybe it would have worked out? Or maybe I would not have studied as hard and had the same success. I was not as self-motivated back then. Being surrounded by top students really motivated me to succeed. The few CC classes I took over the summer did not have the same competitive environment that motivated me.

    1. Different things work for different people!

  6. Mrs. Picky Pincher

    I had this exact snootiness when I was 18! That is, until I was 21 and realized I could graduate early if I took summer courses at a community college. You bet I paid $2,000 for these classes to save $25,000 in tuition. 🙂

    I’m going to say what I’m not supposed to say, though: the community college was NOT as rigorous or useful as my university courses. Did it give me the credits and basic knowledge to do what I needed? Sure. Did it save me A LOT of money? Absolutely.

    I’d still recommend taking basics at a community college, especially if they’re in subjects you need for a degree but aren’t passionate about. Pay for the university courses that you’re more interested in to make the most of tuition.

    1. Yes, I agree. My CC classes weren’t as difficult, but it was a way to get the electives out of the way.

    2. Nita

      Every CC is different as well as every University. Rigor doesn’t necessarily mean being better equipped in the end. It’s all in what you do with it.

    3. Mara

      I definitely agree with the rigor aspect. I’ve taken courses at a community college that were way easier than the courses my friends took at universities. However, I believe that some universities make basic classes that are only taken to fill requirements harder than necessary, so I am very thankful I was able to take the easy way out!

  7. Pam

    I went to community college also. Went on to get my 4 year degree and then on to my MBA. I recommend community college for everyone. Get all your core classes out of the way.

  8. This is a great post! I worked in marketing at a community college for several years and the stigmas addressed in this post were exactly what we were up against when it came to enrollment.

    As a person who has 2 degrees from a 4-year university, thousands of dollars in student loans, and no job in either of the fields I studied (the 2008 recession was a doozie), I am definitely an advocate of community colleges…especially to help cut down on the ridiculous amounts of debt.

    I took summer classes at my local community college and it saved me several thousand dollars in tuition costs. Otherwise, my student loans would be even higher right now.

    It’s a good option that I hope more students will start to seriously consider.

    1. Yes, more students need to consider this option.

  9. The Curious Frugal

    Honestly I never even considered looking into community college when I was looking into post high school education. My relatives and friends all went to/were going to university, so CC was just never on my radar. Interesting post! I will say that some people I met out in the real world (post university!) who had gone to CC are among the highest income earners I personally know.

  10. Nita

    Both of my oldest kids went to Community college then transferred to a state college that accepted their AA degree credits in total. My younger kids are doing CLEPs, DSST, Straighterline and Study.com to transfer credits to our local College (saving us over $20K in expenses. The local college is $8900 a year). My oldest kids were stuck on certain colleges, but I discouraged them from taking out massive loans. They also noted that some of their peers that went to those expensive colleges returned to community college because they weren’t ready for the rigor, the distance or the cost.

    1. Professor Kate

      Both of my kids received their AAs from a community college. All of their credits transferred. Then they attended the local state university and lived at home. I am proud to say that none of us (parents or kids) have ANY college debt.

      When it comes to the quality and academic rigor, I think a lot depends on where you live. Here in Mass. the community college course syllabi are just as rigorous as the 4-year colleges’. My son, for example, took a course in Film Criticism at CC, and the book they used was the updated edition of the book I used in graduate school. While your mileage will vary, community college is a very affordable alternative. It is also a good introduction to college for the kid who may be less socially adept. The CC my kids attended was smaller than their high school, and it was a great experience for both of them.

  11. I’ve always talked up the idea to my kids that our local community college will save a ton of money by going there for 2 years but my son right now, is a sophomore at Rutgers university. A few of his friends stayed back in town and are going to the community college, planning to transfer to Rutgers as juniors. One thing that I didn’t take into consideration, is that by now as a sophomore, he’s involved with a business fraternity where he’s made connections with upper class student coaches, alumni, has been to a lot of business related training, and is interning one day a week at a securities firm in Manhattan. When I think of his friends transferring there in the Fall, it seems like they’ll be playing a lot of catch up, getting to know their way around. Financially, community college definitely makes the most sense, and the education is there if you take advantage of it. And in a job interview, it’s probably more important to be able to think on your feet than be able to say you went to XYZ University for 4 years.

    1. I think it really depends. You can definitely just get an internship or a job while still in CC, and get similar skills. I worked full-time all throughout college and I received several job offers, and every single one of those hiring managers told me that I was the only person my age they ever interviewed who worked full-time, and that it significantly set me apart from everyone else.

  12. Valerie

    I went to Community College right out of high school for a few reasons. I received a 2 year scholarship to my local community college through a local program at my high school, and I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my future. I felt a HUGE stigma about going to community college. The biggest realization of this was noticing at a 4.0GPA luncheon for the 3 local high schools, I was the only one attending that was planning on going to a 2 year college rather than a 4 year. Made me feel dumb.

    However, I earned my associates degree, lived at home, WORKED and SAVED money, only payed for books and supplies, and eventually decided on my major, electrical engineering.

    I found nothing to be bad about community college. In fact, a lot of my teachers were more passionate about their teaching than teachers in my 4 year college.

    I found community college to be a great way to explore electives, try new things, and save up money, all while staying out of debt.

    I did have to take out loans to afford the rest of my engineering degree at my state university. But, I continued to work, I lived at home, and I payed for as much tuition up front as I could. I ended up with only $5,000 in loans and payed it off in less than a year out of college since I was able to find full time employment in my field while in school.

  13. Bhavini @Smart Money Manners

    I didn’t consider the community college near me – probably because of snootiness but also because it was too close to my parents haha

    But the option I went with was a top 25 state school that was also super cheap (though a little more expensive these days). With the combo of scholarships and work-study, I paid practically nothing for 4 years. I’d definitely recommend that as another option over expensive private schools. It’s a myth that tuition fees correlate to quality and of course, YMMV but I went to a very expensive graduate school and felt the state school quality was much better (there’s probably some psychology behind this too – e.g., maybe I expected more because I paid more).

    Overall I think students pay way too much for a lot of schools and get into debt without realizing the consequences. More adults need to do a better job of making sure high school kids understand and take that into consideration.

  14. Lori

    Thank you for this post Michelle. How timely, as my son and I just visited our community college this morning for some information and decision-making. He will start there in the fall, attend for two years and then transfer to a 4-year university. He is fine with it. There is no shame in saving money, nor should there ever be! 🙂

  15. Great post, Michelle! My husband and I are both products of community college and state schools…he went on to earn a doctorate in optometry. I was able to work, live at home, and start my career while I went to school, so I graduated without any student loan debt. This wouldn’t have happened if I went away to college, and I do not regret it one bit. The plan is for our daughter (currently 3) to also attend community college. We, and countless family members, have successful careers and went to community college. It was good enough for us, so it’s definitely good enough for her.

  16. Diane

    As full time RVers with 2 sixteen year old high school sophomores this article was perfect to read with them.
    Even though we both have 4 year degrees we’ve always stressed that their are other less expensive alternatives for education. Thanks for helping us explain this alternative to them

  17. Severine

    I attended a community college for the first two years then a four year college for the last two of my undergrad degree years.

    On March 4, 2018, the Doctor of Business Administration degree was conferred on me. It’s not where you start, but where you end up AND what you do with what you have. Who will care that I started my college career at a community college? No one! 🙂

    1. Kate@OnOurWayWorld

      Yes! CC is a great starting point for anything. And it most definitely does NOT limit your future options!

  18. Frank A Torrey

    I attended college in the late 60’s, early 70’s when the cost was still fairly low. I got my MA in Computer Management in the mid-90’s when the costs were starting to rise, and I took on a lot of debt. When I was able I got a teaching position at our local CC and taught for 9 years there.
    I loved to teach, the students were highly motivated, and the costs were really LOW for them. Most of my students liked the way I taught and I usually had more request for students to transfer in than I had room to accept them.
    I have very few memories of my college classes being enjoyable, so I tried hard to let my students know that they were there to learn the subjects and that questions were not only allowed, but expected from them. Keep motivating your readers to also ask the questions; very few of us are good mind-readers!

    1. Thank you Frank for sharing! 🙂

  19. Kate@OnOurWayWorld

    I went to community college – I spent ~ $4K to get a nursing degree and step into a $50K/year or so job. I have a doctorate now from one of the top 10 nursing programs in the country, and they were more than happy to accept my CC credits 😉 it’s one of the better decisions I’ve made. When my kiddos are of the age, I will most definitely encourage them to consider the CC route. It makes SO MUCH sense.

  20. Elizabeth Patten

    This was so me when I started out. I started out at a private girls college and absolutely hated it. That led me to a bunch of withdrawn courses and my first student loan of $3,500. Thankfully, I had a bunch of scholarships and financial aid when I started out. After that, I moved back home with my head hanging in shame and started taking online courses at the local community college. It was the smartest thing I ever did. Now I tout the benefits of community college ALL THE TIME! It is almost always the way to go!

  21. Lizzy

    Many of the the general ed courses in a large university are taught by teaching assistants or taught by professors in large lecture halls with hundreds of other students. In community colleges, often the classes are smaller and there is more space for class discussions. Students have the opportunity to get to know professors.

  22. I completely agree. Community College and then transfer is a great option to reduce your degree’s cost by probably at least 30%. When we’re talking about thousands of dollars that quickly adds up.
    And what better way to start your adult life than with less debt right?! 🙂

  23. I can relate to this all too well. I actually wish I never went to college period, but that’s a whole other story. Instead I went to a private college and skipped community college completely because I thought I was too good also. I only took one community college class during the summer. Can you believe the professor at the community college also taught at NYU???!!! I was learning the same material he taught at NYU for a much much much cheaper price. If only I had gotten off my high horse and went to community college instead I’d be in a completely different place.

  24. Although my school was fairly inexpensive, had I really taken community college seriously, I may have been able to graduate with no student loans. I highly encourage new students to really really REALLY consider going to community college first!

  25. Kris

    I was like you Michelle, I thought I was too good for a community college and so I didn’t even think about attending one. I went to a four year public university but took me six years to get out. I would have saved so much if I went to a community college right after high school but my ego let me to believe that a university was so much better. Ughhh…
    Once my son gets older and wants to go to college, I’m going to have him attend a community college first and once he’s done, he could go to any university right after.

  26. Community college was my way of easing back into higher ed almost 30 years. (I’d had one year of private college before life took an unexpected turn.) In the midst of a protracted divorce in my late 40s, I decided to go for that long-denied degree. If not then, when?

    I had some extremely good teachers and some very interesting classes. Better yet: I learned of a three-year scholarship to the University of Washington that was offered ONLY to students from community colleges around the state. Applied, got one and graduated from U.W. debt-free at the age of 52 (better late than REALLY late).

    Washington is one of the states with dual enrollment classes: High-schoolers who qualify can take their junior and senior years at a community college, and graduate with both a high-school diploma and a two-year associate’s degree. In other words, they need pay only for two years of higher education after that. Quite a savings.

  27. Heather

    I did this. I received an Associate’s degree from my local community college and then transferred to a very affordable state school and finished out my education there, earning a Bachelor’s degree. I didn’t go to what was considered to be a “good” school, but I still got a good education and graduated with no debt. I never had to take out a student loan. I have no regrets doing it this way. If someone else has an issue with where I went to college, that’s their problem and I really don’t want to be associated with someone who places such high importance on the status of a college or university. I personally feel that more kids these days should go into trade schools after high school. At least then they would learn skills that will allow them to enter the workforce quickly and earn a good salary. There is a shortage of good tradespeople these days that is only going to get worse.

  28. Julio

    I did attend community college for a year and a half before transferring to the local State University undergraduate program. Many good reasons for doing so in my case.The Community College tuition was a third of the State University’s tuition and they also offered more night classes for the Freshman and Sophomore courses I needed. I was working full time and had access to a tuition reimbursement program from my employer so the lower cost allowed me to take a full load of credits per semester without busting the tuition reimbursement yearly limit. I was also paying a mortgage and the county taxed my property a very small percentage to pay for the County Community College. So let’s say I got my tax money’s worth back, and then some.
    The State University and the County Community College had coordinate the requirements for my degree program (and many others) so that all of my credits would transfer, and they did. I later found out that several of my Community College professors were part of the State University’s faculty. One thing I have to say is that the Community College facility was more modern, cleaner and more inviting that the (old) State University. Oh, yes! I always bought used books when possible and sold most of them back at the end of the semester.
    I also took a couple of College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) exams and earned 12 extra credits towards my program in a couple of hours at $35 per exam at the time. Best credit hours money could buy!

  29. I love this so much. My kids start middle school in the fall, so we don’t yet have to worry about this. I’m hoping by the time we do, the university racket–er, landscape–changes significantly. College prices need to decrease or we need more education and training options to replace the traditional four-year degree.

    It pains me to see all these current college students and recent graduates saddled with debt. Even though my kids are still young, I’ve already started having conversations with them about avoiding debt and making wise education choices. I would hate for them to choose to attend a private or out-of-state university for four years and graduate with mounds of debt.Community college for the first two years is such a great option!

  30. Au A

    I went to community college also. I worked in marketing at a community college for several years and the stigmas addressed in this post were exactly what we were up against when it came to enrollment. I think this is interesting

  31. Mike Ballew

    So glad to see someone saying this about community college! I went to a community college my sophomore year and it boosted my grade point average considerably, not to mention it saved my folks a lot of money. Great article, thanks for posting!

  32. Wealthy Doc

    I’m so glad I went to community college. I learned how to learn and I grew as a person. They really cared about teaching there. I was able to transfer all of my credits to the #1 public university in the state. I wouldn’t have gotten into that university out of high school and if I did, it wouldn’t have gone well. Community college boosted my grades and study skills and made my future success possible.

    1. Possibly – I’ve read a lot of personal finance articles.

      Why are you wondering?

      1. Gerard

        Because the article resonates with your article. The first time I read about the benefits of community college was on fool.com.
        You are the second person to write about it, as far as I Know. I am wondering if this might be the beginning of a turning pojnt for college costs if more people start to realise this.

  33. Great post! I chair the trustee board at a community college and I know we provide a quality product that not only is a low cost value but also allows nontraditional students a way to add to their skills. Courses transfer fine to four year schools but there may be issues if you are pursuing an engineering degree since community colleges may not offer the courses you need in your first two years. If you inadvertently end up spending five years getting a four year degree because you did not get all the classes you needed then it will probably not have really saved you any money.

    1. Yep, I talk about how to get around this in this blog post 🙂

  34. Ari

    Michelle, all valid points, especially if money is a major constraint.

    One potential “drawback” that I often see: the completion of the associate degree gives a clear line to ponder whether one should complete a bachelor degree.

    Of course it depends on one’s path in life, but I saw more than a handful of friends who got distracted and did not actually obtain a bachelor degree because they have graduated with an associate degree.

    That’s my main consideration whether one should choose community college.

    I have degrees from state universities and took community college classes throughout my adult life, after I earned my degree.

    1. Interesting! I’ve never heard of that from other people I know who have done this.

  35. Dave

    I went to a community college for two years and a private university for two years. I paid out of pocket for my first two years and took out loans for my second two years. I ended up with only $18K in student loans and my monthly payment was $156. My friends who did all four years at the same private university used to complain about having $600-$700 monthly student loan payments. It is hard to beat the value of attending a community college.

  36. Frank

    CC worked well for me as an undecided student. A low cost way to experiment. I was able to take various classes to inform my major. Took me 3 years, but by the time I left, I knew what I wanted to study and had no debt. I appreciated it more when I went to university and attended my first 100 person class! At CC I had all small classes and teachers that knew me by name. I took classes only needed for transfer, but once at university I transferred classes back to CC and received my AA degree. No one has ever asked me where I spent my first few years of college…

  37. Jubilantjill

    I did this, but in reverse. I had a full ride academic scholarship and was in the honors program at a top tier state University. My honors classes were amazing, but the others, not so much. I spent 2 years there, but hated the town. I transferred to another state University that I loved. Incredible professors! I got a mostly useless degree and worked a year before going back to community college for a nursing degree. Best decision ever!
    I had to take out a small loan (5k) for community college, but paid it off in my first month of employment.
    In my experience most school scholarships are for upcoming freshmen so doing 2 years at community college would reduce your chances for those scholarships. Maybe better would be to apply to both and evaluate scholarship/aid packages.

    Nearly all of my CC teachers were awful (with a couple wonderful exceptions), but that nursing degree was worth the suffering. I had some boring teachers at the two universities I attended, but they were all very intelligent. I think community college professors are much more diverse in terms of ability. Just my limited experience though.

    I’m on the fence for recommending CC to my daughter.

  38. The community college in my area (Sinclair Community College) is sometimes better than the Universities in my area – and everyone around her knows it and acknowledges that it’s a good school. That also have tracks that are meant to be finished at one of the local 4-year schools where there will be, on the education side at least, no difference than if you went to the 4-year school to begin with.

  39. Great article Michelle! There is an absolutely a certain degree of stigma attached to community colleges, and most of the things assumed are myths. How will 4-year degree universities accommodate a growing population base? Higher education shouldn’t be reserved for just few handpicked students. I have seen so many students get demoralized by the education system. The rat race is just too much for young people.

  40. Starting at community college was one of the best decisions I ever made. Firstly, you save about 75% of the costs compared to going to university. But also, the professors were awesome! They were all young and only cared about teaching and the enthusiasm showed. I was disappointed when I attended university because professors used teaching assistants and you never really interacted with most of them. Also, the classrooms were sometimes huge with over 100 people in them. Very impersonal.

  41. Rich Brown

    Yes, I attended a community college and it was the biggest regret in my life!! When I graduated with a 3.3 GPA, I was accepted into several four year colleges, but I would have had to change my major!! There was no room available for an incoming junior at the colleges. Also, there is no law that requires four year colleges to accept every credit from a community college. Many of m credits were not accepted and I was told that the program requirements had changed, so it didn’t matter what the requirements were when I was taking the classes, since they had changed. I had to begin, as a freshmen at a four year college, so that I could earn the Bachelor’s degree that I desired. There was no campus life. No clubs. No organizations. No sports. No nothing. When I met with a college rep to begin my freshmen year, I was told that community college graduations have nothing to offer a four year college, so they are the last to be considered for transfer. I would not recommend attending a community college for any reason. Take more than four years to earn a degree at a four year college and you will be better for it.