Life Insurance is More Affordable and Easier To Get Than You Think

The following is a sponsored partnership with Ladder. Ladder has been featured on The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, and more. So many people skip out on life insurance, because they think it’s too hard and too expensive. According to Life Insurance Awareness Month facts (from September 2017), around half of the people in the U.S….

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: September 12, 2022

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Life Insurance is More Affordable and Easier To Get Than You ThinkThe following is a sponsored partnership with Ladder. Ladder has been featured on The Wall Street Journal, MarketWatch, Bloomberg, and more.

So many people skip out on life insurance, because they think it’s too hard and too expensive.

According to Life Insurance Awareness Month facts (from September 2017), around half of the people in the U.S. do not have life insurance. And, those who do have life insurance typically have much less coverage than they need, at an average of just $168,000.

Many of the people who do have life insurance, just take what is given by their employer. Let me say, that life insurance through work is not all that you need!

I highly recommend getting life insurance outside of your workplace – so that you can get the right amount (life insurance provided by your employer is usually a very low amount) and you’re still covered when/if you leave your job. Many people forget to look for life insurance after leaving a job that provided it, and then realize later that they didn’t have life insurance that whole time. Due to the two reasons above, I am in favor of always having your own life insurance policy and being in control of it.

Today, I want to tell you that the process of getting life insurance is easier than you think.

And, yes, you most likely can afford it!

Also, let’s not forget what life insurance is for.

Life insurance is money for your family if you pass away. And, if you are the sole or primary earner in your family, then there are a lot of people who rely on you financially. If you stay home and do not work, you still do all kinds of things for your family that are extremely important and can be costly without you, so life insurance is still quite important!

It is money that can be used to pay for funeral expenses, the day-to-day bills, pay off debt, etc. Life insurance is also beneficial if anyone has co-signed a loan for you – such as a private student loan, because you don’t want that person to be liable for your debt and put them in hardship if something were to happen to you. There are several other reasons for why life insurance is so important as well.

With Ladder, life insurance is quite easy to get.

The steps are:

  1. You get started on their website by selecting the coverage amount you would like and the term. They have a handy calculator to help you determine what you need as well.
  2. You apply in just 5 minutes. It can take just 5 minutes to answer their questions and submit your application for life insurance.
  3. You receive an instant decision. After you submit your life insurance application, you get a decision from Ladder right away.

Yes, Ladder actually gives you a decision on life insurance in an instant. So, what used to be a weeks long process, is now just down to a few minutes, so you really have no reason to not apply for insurance – even if it is just to see how much you would be paying.

With Ladder, you can also easily adjust your coverage online as your needs change.

Life Insurance is More Affordable and Easier To Get Then You Think

I did a quick estimate on Ladder’s website, and a $1,000,000 policy for myself could be found for around $22 to $50, all depending on the length of the term (from 10 years to 30 years).

As you can see, getting life insurance can be a simple process, with huge benefits. There’s no reason for why you shouldn’t look into it further.

Do you have life insurance? Why or why not?

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Life insurance is also good to have just in case some family members who claim the love you allegedly back out after you’re deceased and decide not to pay for your funeral. I have family members who act very funny when it comes to helping each other out financially. but it’s the same ones who never want to help you out moneywise when you’re down and out that come around trying to speak with their hands out when they find out you’re doing good and came into some money. Then they decide to pick up the phone and call you and act like they love you in hopes of getting a few bucks from you. The best life insurance is to be independent and plan ahead financially. 🙂

  2. jason

    Life insurance is the foundation of any strong financial plan!

  3. I totally agree with Jason above that life insurance is a huge part of a strong financial plan.

    I have been writing and researching about the life insurance niche and have never come across LadderLife.

    I think their coverage is an amazing looking at the estimate you published in the image above.

    I will make a quick search about them and come up with a unique review about them on my insurance blog.

    Thanks for sharing, Michelle.
