5 Ways I Made My Blog Go Viral – 2,000,000 Views A Month In One Year!

Today, I have a great article about making your blog go viral from Silas and Grace. They currently receive around 2,000,000 views each month, earn around $10,000 to $15,000 a month, and they’ve only been blogging for around one year! Below is their article, enjoy. Finally having success is kind of weird. You keep on listening to…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: January 27, 2025

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

Today, I have a great article about making your blog go viral from Silas and Grace. They currently receive around 2,000,000 views each month, earn around $10,000 to $15,000 a month, and they’ve only been blogging for around one year! Below is their article, enjoy.

Silas and Grace receive 2,000,000 views each month, earn around $10,000 to $15,000 a month, and they've only been blogging for around one year! Finally having success is kind of weird. You keep on listening to podcasts and reading blog posts on how a certain person made it with their online business or side hustle, and then you start to wonder if it could ever happen for you.

And then it does. After hard work, lots of research, lots of experimenting and asking a ton of questions, it happens.

How it Started

It was early 2015 and my husband and I had just gotten married. We were the very definition of broke newlyweds. We both had a passion for full-time travel and we both knew that the corporate/retail world wasn’t for us. And so we decided that we were going to start researching and finding ways we could work online.

We looked into so many things such as writing articles for sites, Youtubing, becoming a virtual assistant, etc. But none of it seemed to fit us or any of our interests. That is until we listened to a podcast episode from The Side Hustle Show with Nick Loper later on in the year. He was interviewing Rosemarie Groner from The Busy Budgeter (check it out here), and the interview literally changed our lives. 

Related articles:

Now the interview was on her blogging success, and blogging was exactly what we didn’t want to do. Every time we’d read up on blogging, everyone kept on saying that it would take years to see any substantial income. And we didn’t want to wait years, we wanted to stop working for other people… and Fast! And the fact that Rosemarie was able to work from home and make a full-time income from blogging within a year by using Pinterest amazed us.

We finally had someone who laid out exactly what we needed to do, we just needed to go after it.

Now of course it wasn’t that easy. We couldn’t even afford hosting for awhile, and the idea of me staying home instead of working a retail job (I didn’t have a college degree yet like my husband) was scary. We needed the money bad; our car kept on breaking down in the middle of winter, unexpected bills were popping up, and it seemed like there was never enough money to get by. But we decided that it was for the best.

Even if it was a struggle and things were tight (and a bit frightful), I was going to stay at home while my husband worked a soul-sucking corporate job for 60 hours a week (not to mention he’d come home and work on the blog too).

But after doing three months of pre-launch work like getting posts ready to go up on our site Chasing Foxes, my husband was able to quit his corporate job 3 months after the blog went live. Here are the results from the month my husband Silas left his job working for a large, multinational corporation, and we moved to a beach town in Mexico.


Now within those three months, I was able to find hacks and figure out ways to make sure that many of my blog posts went either viral or did really well through Pinterest. And I’ll show you exactly how.

Quick side note from Michelle – Here is a list of the blogging-related products that I recommend:

  • Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing – I earn over $50,000 a month through affiliate marketing and I share my exact strategy and tips in this very informative online course. If you’re a blogger, then you NEED this course. I show you exactly how to make a more passive income from blogging, even while you’re sleeping.
  • Affiliate Marketing Cheat Sheet – With this time-saving cheat sheet, you’ll learn how to make affiliate income from your blog. These tips will help you to rapidly improve your results and increase your blogging income in no time.
  • 17 Strategies I Used To Grow My Page Views – Lena Gott’s guide is full of great information on how to increase your blog’s page views. If you are feeling stuck or if you are a new blogger, check out this resource! Lena went from 17,000 monthly page views to 350,000 and shares all of her best tips in this guide.
  • 10+ Of The Best Free Blogging Resources – The blogging tools and resources here will help you create your blog, come up with blog post ideas, grow your blog income, learn how to share your website in order to grow your page views, and more.


I Learned from the Professionals

The success I had with blogging definitely wasn’t an accident. In fact, it came from a couple things; studying the pros and constantly learning from them. They had already found the secret sauce when it came to getting people on their site, so there was no real reason for me to learn the hard way or waste precious time trying to reinvent the wheel.

I’m serious about the value of being humble enough to learn from others – this took us from barely getting by while living in dreary, sunless, South Bend, Indiana to prospering beyond what I ever knew was possible and traveling full-time.

And there were three big things I saw the pro bloggers do when it came to getting great repin rates on Pinterest and thousands of views to their blog posts. And I’ll teach you exactly what I found and applied to my own blog to make my posts go viral.


1. Titles

Now for the first month after my blog had gone live, I was still in the learning process. And the titles for my posts needed a lot of work. I would write a post on grocery hacks and call it, “5 Tips for Saving Money on Groceries.” Now this was… ok, and the subject matter wasn’t bad, but there were hundreds of other people writing on the same thing and titling it something similar.

But what I noticed when I started to study blogs like Buzzfeed or Upworthy was that their titles created a certain sense of urgency like,

“22 Frozen Hot Chocolates You Must Make This Summer.”

Or they give you the idea that their post can turn you into something great like,

“27 Charts That Will Turn You Into a Baking Genius.”

They were simple and easy to apply once I figured out what kind of phrases they would add into their titles.

Now if it had just been, “10 Great Frozen Hot Chocolate Recipes” or “27 Handy Baking Charts,” I probably wouldn’t have even noticed their post. So make sure you’re creating titles that will catch potential reader’s attention and inspire them in some way to click through to your site.


2. Pain Points and WIIFM

Now going back again to when I first started out (I’ll probably do this a couple more times in this post. Sorry, but there’s a lot to learn from my beginner blogger self), I definitely wasn’t a pro at choosing topics to write about.

In fact, one of my early posts was on something that no one would search for or even really care about. And that’s when I learned that I needed to make sure I hit people’s pain points and make sure I had WIIFM down.

Now pain points are the problems that people want fixed now, and you have to know how to hit them. They don’t want to know about you and your dog’s relationship, they want to know how they can lose 5 pounds in a week for their sister’s wedding. They want to know how they can cut out $2,000 from their monthly budget because they’re living paycheck to paycheck.

Another way to put this is WIIFM which means, “What’s In It For Me.” You have to act like everyone has this written on their foreheads. People want to know how this blog post is going to make a big or small change in their life. So every time you write a post, make sure you have WIIFM in mind.

Now there are three big mistakes I see people make when they first start out blogging (and of course I made some of these mistakes at first too). The first is that they assume that people want to know about their personal life from the get-go. Second, I see them give vague titles to their blog posts that don’t tell the reader in any way how reading it will benefit them. And third, they write on a subject that only a tiny number of people will care about. If you want to have blogging success, you can’t do any of these

For the first problem, it’s ok to write more personal posts about your life, but don’t market it on social media; it’ll just waste your time. Or just save them for when you’re more established and have a great following.

And for the second, you have to make sure that the subject is clear when people see your pin on Pinterest. Make sure that WIIFM isn’t just in the post, but also in the title or you will kill your post’s reach.

Lastly, make sure that the subject(s) you’re writing on has a big enough of an audience to get people on your site. Niched is good, but too niched (like, “10 Twilight Hidden Easter Eggs You Probably Missed”), will do you more harm than good.

Related content: What Is A Blog, How Do Blogs Make Money, & More


3. I Changed My Pin Images

When I’m on Pinterest, sometimes I cringe at the pictures I see people use for their pin images. Why? Because they remind me of when I first started out.

There were a few general pin image rules I wouldn’t follow. Rules such as not having a face in the picture, not using warm colors, or not being picky when it came to choosing the right picture for my pin. Basically any rule that helped me get more repins, I didn’t follow. I’d find anything that would do for my post.

Here’s an example:

You can tell that none of the colors in this image stand out and make it pop. It’s a bit dark and the editing and cropping of the picture looks pretty bad.

Now when I realized that my images just weren’t working (or at the very best, minimally), I knew I needed to make a change. Again I started to look at the sort of images that bloggers like Buzzfeed or The Krazy Coupon Lady were creating.

You could say I was inspired by them. I did like they did and it turned out successful. Many times learning and doing what the pros do can benefit you in big ways (instead of trying to do it your own way as a beginner).

Here’s the Same Post with a Different Pin Image:

Now you can tell that the image is just a bit longer, brighter, and higher quality. It definitely stands out.

If you’re just starting out or you’ve been struggling with getting people to click through to your post, then I’d highly suggest that you make pins inspired by your top favorite pro bloggers. Experiment, and see what brings in the most traffic. Test and see what image does better than the other.

They’ve already discovered what works, so why not do what they do?


4. A/B/C/D and E Testing

Now many times you’re going to hear about people a/b testing their post titles or their pin images. But what I learned from bloggers like Upworthy was that more than two titles in order to gain virality was necessary.

One of the best tricks that I’ve learned when it comes to promoting your posts on Pinterest is to make multiple pins for every post. It sounds like a lot of work, but it honestly doesn’t have to take very long. Make a list of 4-5 titles that grab the reader’s attention and create a sense of urgency and/or curiosity. Then, once you create your pin image, you can simply put the different titles onto the picture and save each one. You can do this whether you’re just using one image or more.

You have no idea how many times I thought one of the pins in the group of 4-5 images wouldn’t do well and it ends up doing the best.

Here’s a quick example of a set of pins that ended up doing very well!

Last (Very Important!) Note on Multiple Image Testing

I’ve found that if one pin in the group of images that’s linked to the same url goes viral, the rest will do extremely well too. Just so ya know!


5. I Chose Quality Group Boards

Now group boards are Pinterest boards where the owner (of said board) decides that they will add other contributors to pin their content. Simply put, it’s a great way to get in front of other people’s audiences. Because if you’re added onto a group board with over 100k followers, that’s a lot more eyes to put your pins in front of than if you were pinning to your own boards (assuming you’re just starting out on Pinterest).

But I noticed that the professional bloggers weren’t on just any board, they were on quality group boards with great repin rates. Not all group boards are equal when it comes to how many repins you’ll get for your personal pins. Some (due to certain factors) will just do better because the Pinterest algorithm likes them.

And so what I started to do was look at the group boards they were on, because there was a pretty darn good chance that they were on it because they were successful.

Here’s a great example of high performing boards from Ruth Soukup’s Pinterest, (Living Well Spending Less).

So look through some of the bigger bloggers Pinterests (that you know of), and see what group boards they’re on. Then whether it’s through their blog email or messaging them on Pinterest, politely ask the blogger if you can be added onto the group board.


A Few Last Thoughts

People want to say that the work you put in before your blog takes off is worthless, but I couldn’t disagree more. The time and energy you put into creating content and a firm foundation for success is paid back to you in HUGE dividends once your blog gains recognition. So don’t feel discouraged when first starting out, you’ll be able to pay yourself back any money and time invested multiple times over.

Lastly, just remember that in a year from now, you’ll wish you started today. This is something my husband always reminded me of. So where do you want to be in a year from now? Would you rather be surfing Facebook or watching Netflix after a hard day of work at a job you hate, or would you rather be bringing in a new income stream and working from home?

You may think that you deserve to relax after working so hard at your job, but what you really deserve is to work hard now so that you can have time and financial freedom later.

Click here to check out their blog, Chasing Foxes. Silas and Grace are two adventurers who blog about lifestyle, travel, and food. They enjoy creating awesome content for their readers, spending time with each other, and traveling full-time. 

How much traffic do you get to your blog? What are you doing to increase that even further?

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Those stats are AMAZING for a year of blogging. I’ve been plugging along on my blog for quite a while, and haven’t focused on Pinterest nearly enough so far. I’ll definitely be working to implement more actionable titles and A/B/C/D/E testing more on Pinterest to try to improve my results. Thanks for the tips!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you! And you are so welcome. 🙂

  2. Mao

    Wow this is very impressive and absolutely amazing success! I really need to work on my titles. I’ve always known that news and medias are in the business of making headlines. Even if I have the best content, if I can’t grab people’s attention and no one reads it, I guess it doesn’t matter anyways.

    Thanks for all the great tips on Pinterest, I am only starting out on Pinterest and I am definitely hoping to grow with Pinterest.

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Mao! And I’m really glad I could help you out. 🙂

  3. This is an excellent post! I agree with all of your points, especially with the titles and the WIIFM. I also started my Pinterest page a few weeks ago, but abandoned it for other things, since I was having a hard time finding things to pin. I know it’s something I’ll need to at least make a solid effort on and your post just reinforces that!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  4. THIS POST WAS EPIC! Can’t wait to implement some new Pinterest tactics.

    As far as creating more than one pin per article where should they all be pinned to?

    1. Ms. Weird Hacks

      I think there’s a way you can hide images on your posts. You would need a custom code for that though.

      I create multiple pins for my post but upload just one. The other pins are distributed in group boards and I monitor them through Pinterest analytics to see which one is doing good.

    2. Grace Moser

      Thank you!

      And I pin each of the images to different group boards using Board Booster. 🙂

  5. Heidi @heidinaturally

    Thanks so much for the encouragement to keep going. I’ve been at this for a year and a half and am waiting for my big break.
    One question I had is how you put all the multiple pins on your site. Isn’t that a lot of images? Or do you keep changing them out and see which one does best?

    1. Grace Moser

      Hey Heidi!

      I actually don’t put any of them on my site. I upload them into a secret board on Pinterest, then put the pin’s URLs into a campaign on Board Booster to run through a certain set of group boards.

      I hope that makes sense! If it doesn’t, just let me know. 🙂

  6. Wow!! Amazing stats and loved the tips!! Thank you for sharing!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much Dana! 🙂

  7. Ms. Weird Hacks

    I’ve been reading the articles on chasing Foxes for a while now. ☺ I noticed most of their income came from ads ( Google adsense) since it was a viral site. However, they’ve been doing good with affiliate marketing lately.

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m glad you like our content!

      Actually, Google Adsense was something we used for the first 6 months or so of our blog. Then one of my friends let me know about MediaVine, which has been so much better for us. I’d definitely recommend it!

      And I honestly credit a lot of my success with affiliates to Michelle and her genius on it. 🙂

      1. How many hits per month do you need to sign up for Mediavine?

  8. Thanks for this information. I’m a Pinterest newbie so this was very helpful!

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m so glad I could help you out! 🙂

  9. Angie @IndianaHypnosisCenter.com

    Very nice! Although I hate the comment about South Bend, your info was right on and appreciated. And thanks for writing it in such an easy to understand way.

    1. Grace Moser

      Hey Angie! I’m glad I could help you!

      And sorry for the statement on South Bend. To be honest, we went through a lot that winter in South Bend financially and with our car breaking down in the bad weather (hence why I said it was sunless, etc.).

      But it wasn’t meant to offend anyone. 🙂

  10. Congrats on your success! Don’t have much experience w/ Pinterest, but will have to do more research into it now! 🙂

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much! 🙂

  11. Yandra@smartnancials.com

    This . Is. Amazing! I’m really impressed with their results. I’m definitely going to be using some of those tips to help improve my Pinterest game! Thanks for this GEM!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you Yandra! ^_^

  12. Agreed. Fantastic little write-up.

    And I was just in the process of reaching out to them to be on the podcast….but their contact email bounced, and their Twitter link on the site is broken!

    Psst Silace and Grace….I need you!

    Great post though.

    1. Grace Moser

      Hey Pete! Thank you so much!

      And I’ve been bit behind on emails lately. Definitely try again and I’ll make sure I get back to you. 🙂

  13. Ava

    Fantastic post with incredibly helpful tips! Thank you!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much Ava! 🙂

  14. Ember @ An Intentional Lifestyle

    Wow. This is exactly what I wanted and needed right now. My husband also works a soul sucking job, though the company is a great one. He is not happy. We just recently started our own blog, after years of putting it off. This gives me hope that our two year dream of a full time blog income may be even closer. I’ll be saving this and sending it to him too!!
    Y’all are awesome! Congrats on the success!

    1. Grace Moser

      How exciting! You guys started your blog! I’m so glad I could help you out Ember. 🙂

      And thank you so much!

  15. Good God, talk about motivational! Thanks so much for sharing this, Michelle. Just awesome stuff.

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much Dave! 🙂

  16. Grace Moser

    Thank you so much! I’m really glad I could help you. 🙂

  17. So many great tips, thanks for sharing this valuable information!

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m so glad I could help you Shirley!

      And thank you! 🙂

  18. Cody @ Dollar Habits

    Wow! Talk about a success story! Thank you so much for the awesome tips. Here’s to your continued success.

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much Cody!

      And I’m glad I could help you. 🙂

  19. Elaine

    Great post and congratulations!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much Elaine! 🙂

  20. Grace Moser

    I’m so glad I could help you Cory! 🙂

    And thank you!

  21. Great stuff. It really is important to get the best advice and examples from the professionals. Find out what you want to do, and then connect with those who have already done it!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Syed!

  22. Melanie @Mommy Finance

    Holy smokes I love this!!! I’m still trying to figure out pinterest and this post seriously helped me out.

    Thank you for sharing this!

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m so glad I could help you out, Melanie! 🙂

  23. These are great tips! I was wondering about the Pinterest stuff,…if I should create multiple images for each post. I’m also having a hard time figuring out how to make images with awesome fonts like the ones you do…which program do you use?

    The group board advice is also good. I joined a lot of group boards, and need to somehow analyze which are working, and which aren’t and focus on the ones that are working.

    Congrats on your success!

    1. I’m wondering about analyzing my group boards as well…

    2. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much Kristin!

      And I use PicMonkey for my fonts. 🙂

  24. Thank you for these amazing tips! I’ve been working hard on improving my pins and titles! I’m going to make it a goal to find and ask to join some bigger group boards! Wish me luck & congrats on your success! 🙂

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Sarah! And I’m glad I could help you. 🙂

  25. Belle

    Pinterest is such a beast! Endless amount of learning. Thanks for sharing these valuable steps. I hope to apply them our blog.

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Belle! 🙂

  26. This post is exactly what I needed to fill in some little blanks that I’m struggling with. I’m already doing some of the tips, but the others are the “secret sauce” that I was missing. Thank you for sharing.

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m so glad I could help you out, Gwyn! 🙂

  27. WOW, this is truly inspiring!! Congrats on your success and Thanks for being so candid. I added a bunch of things to my to do list after reading this!

    Lisa l Money Minded Mom

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Lisa!

  28. Ricky | Money Hero

    This is amazing, Grace! Congrats on the success! I admire your hard work and determination. I’m finding that Pinterest is definitely a super useful tool for driving traffic. Keep it up!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Ricky! 🙂

  29. Great tips. In May, I decided to take Pinterest seriously. In a month my Pinterest traffic has doubled. Now, I need to go back and add multiple pins to each post.

    1. Grace Moser

      Thanks, Jason! I’m so glad I could help you. 🙂

  30. Yeah me and Ms FAF are the same. Its also the really good quality boards are simply not accepting new people or have zero instruction on how to join makes it a little tough too.

    1. Eliza

      Hey Lily, I’ve come across the same problem with no instructions. Unless the board specifically said they weren’t accepting new contributors, I’ve tracked down an email address via the owner’s site and asked if they were open to new contributors. It never hurts to try!

  31. Sandy Mickey

    Very helpful info! Thank you for sharing. I haven’t tackled Pinterest at all. Mostly because I seriously don’t understand it (hence my blog name) though I know I need to eventually. My question is that most of the viral blogs/Pinterest success stories are those who concentrate on the financial industry or in the Mom space. Do you think someone who doesn’t fit those niches should spend time with Pinterest? My primary is Twitter and I’m setting up Instagram. In the nature/environment space they seem like the best. I don’t want to miss out on an opportunity but I also only have so much time to devote. Prioritizing, sigh. Anyway, thank you for the awesome tips! Congrats on your success!

    1. Grace Moser

      Hey Sandra! I honestly feel like Pinterest is a great way to get awesome traffic to your site early on, which is why I think you might want to try it out. 🙂

      But to answer your question, I know many bloggers who aren’t in the mom space but have great success with Pinterest. Michelle is an awesome example of one of those bloggers. And while our blog does have some content that could be related to parents, the majority isn’t.

      I’d definitely give it a shot! 🙂

  32. Great post!! I really appreciate you sharing with us what you found to work. I was hesitant to read at first because so many of the posts I read to help bloggers are really just selling either their own product or a product they are an affiliate for. I’m thankful that you didn’t ask me to spend money in order to become successful. I have read over and over about the importance of giving the reader value (WIIFMs), but so many posts I read (especially those for new bloggers) focus more on a product than actually just telling us something that will help. I would love to take courses from the pros, and someday I hope do that. But right now it’s hard enough to just make sure I have enough rent money. So I love your ideas on studying the pros, because I CAN learn from them just by watching what they do. And I will definitely check out your blog now too. Thanks for the help!

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you so much, Lauren!

      I totally understand what it’s like to be short on money, so I’m glad I could help you out! 🙂

  33. Sveny

    Thanks for the tips with the images for pinterest. I mean sometimes there are moments when you realize: ‘Oh I know that but I didn’t realized it’. So thanks again..

    1. Grace Moser

      You’re welcome Sveny! 🙂

  34. Grace Moser

    Thank you so much Bruce!

    And nope! Another blogger and podcaster I’d check out is Jeff Sieh with the Manly Pinterest Tips Podcast. He has some great tips. ^_^

  35. Stacey

    One of the BEST.POST.EVER.

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m so glad I could help you out Stacey!

      And thank you! 🙂

  36. Congrats on your very impressive success! I am a newbie with Pinterest. I am just trying
    to learn how to create quality images for my boards. Thanks for all your great tips… they answered some of my questions I couldn’t find the answers to.

    1. Grace Moser

      Thank you Srea!

      And I’m glad I could help you out. 🙂

  37. I’m WAY behind the curve on utilizing Pinterest, so I very much appreciate you sharing your story.

    The best thing I’ve done so far is ask my wife to take over my Pinterest business account. She has used it since the beginning and has a much better grasp of what works and what doesn’t. She’s reworking my images and titles, as you suggest. She shared with me a smart strategy for titles: look at magazine covers for inspiration.

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m glad I could help you out Jason! And magazine covers are a great way to get inspiration. 🙂

  38. Gotta be willing to go to the “public 9th step,” in order to prosper as an overly ambitious entrepreneur. You have to be willing to not only get out of your cushy comfort zone, but be willing to endure family members turning on you, friends walking away, getting fired from your job, experience periods of being alone, and the list goes on. If a person is willing to go through the trials and tribulations to come out prosperous on the other side. it creates a tough outer shell that differentiates them from the average. Not only are they real transformation business champions, but they’re also entrepreneurs who prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have the business muscle for the hustle. Bloggers and internet marketers are silent rockstars, because we’re just as big as U.S. politicians. 🙂

    1. Grace Moser

      These are some great words DNN. We had some family members and friends get frustrated with us when we told them what we were doing. You have to make sure that you don’t let those kind of things get to you in the pursuit towards your goals. 🙂

  39. Very inspirational for me. I feel so good about this information. thank you for sharing

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m glad I could help you Arun! 🙂

  40. Ryan Spencer

    This post is fantastic and I know it’s gonna help me so much! Thank You! Thank You! I really appreciate the time it took to write this post. Super helpful to me.

    1. Grace Moser

      I’m so glad this post helped you out Ryan! 🙂

  41. Hi Michelle,

    Great tips, I’ve been spending the last week seeing if I can improve my Pinterest marketing strategy.

    I’ve been using Pinterest for a few months, but haven’t seen the kind of growth that you and others have seen.

    So I thought that it was time to take some time to learn how I can improve it.

    You can bet that I’ll be using these tips to see if I can grow my blog’s traffic.

    Thanks for sharing and congrats on the success of your blog.

    Have a great day 🙂


  42. Sonia

    Once again, just what I needed when I needed it! Thanks Michelle and Grace! I will be utilizing this strategy to the max! Just priceless info, and it is real world, not just theory. I was surprised that there is no email signup on Chasing Foxes! I think you could seriously kill it with the amount of traffic you get and market to them for various affiliate things that could really help your visitors!

    Wish me luck!

    1. Grace Moser

      Wow! I’m so glad I could help you out Sonia! And thank you for your kind words. 🙂

  43. Do you go back and change some of your older blog post titles? Thanks for all the great tips, and congrats on all of your success!

  44. Sarah

    Perfect timing!

    Thanks for the blogging and Pinterest tips. You validated a few ideas I had but hadn’t heard elsewhere which is always a plus. I wish you all continued success in your businesses. Keep inspiring us all! 🙂

  45. Thank you so, so much for your post. I have been playing with the idea of starting a blog for quite a while, but never did until now. This makes me feels like I am already behind, but your post reminded me that you just need to start, and that now is better than never.
    Thanks again!

  46. Eliza

    Thanks Grace, very useful! I’m making August my Pinterest month so this is very timely. I also love the ‘in a year from now, you’ll wish you started today’ line. I can’t count the amount of times I didn’t get started on something because I was too impatient and wanted results now, only to find myself in the same place the following year. I now live by this advice as well.

  47. Sarah (Smile & Conquer)

    Wow, amazing! I’ve been trying to work at Pinterest because so many bloggers swear by it but, as always, it’s a work in progress. I just went through and updated all my pinning images but I’ve never thought to use different images or post titles…I’ll have to try that out. Thanks for the tips and the inspiration!

  48. I’m a bit late to the party, but I wanted to say that as I was reading this, I was thinking about the title of my post I was planning for the week, which I was going to call “10 habits for a happy marriage”. I instantly decided to change the title to “10 must-have habits for a happy marriage” and right now the post is doing really well! So thanks for the great tips 🙂

  49. Ryan

    This was an excellent post. Clear and straight forward tips. I really appreciate that. Thank you for providing actual examples as well
    So helpful!!

  50. Wow, thanks so much for sharing your story! That is so inspiring!
    I was in the same position, blogging was the last thing I wanted to do. I never considered myself as someone “like that”. But a few months ago I gave it a try anyway and I’m really getting into it and enjoy it so much today. I’m nowhere as close to your success, but reading this gives me so much motivation (and hope ;).

  51. Love these tips! I’ve struggled a bit with Pinterest, so I’m excited to revisit how I go about creating pin images and come up with more creative/eye-catching titles.

    Thanks for this post!

  52. Michael @ Super Millennial

    REALLY great guest post, I learned a ton. Definitely going to create 4-5 PIN’s for each post now and do a lot better on Pinterest.

    Thanks so much for sharing and congrats on your success!

  53. Adine @ Average To Awesome

    I loved this post, thank you so much for sharing all of this! I learned a lot!

  54. Wow, impressive work!
    Love the details of pinterest push. I recently started to do more than 1 pin-photo per post, this really helps me motivate getting them out there!

  55. My favorite tip here is remembering pain points. I’m no longer blogging as a focus, but I started a direct sales business 3 months ago and got to a full time income quickly because I remember pain points in my marketing and recruiting.

  56. Doreen Platt

    Actually what brought me to the Making Sense of Cents blog was the post about ways to save money on groceries. I will check out a post like that but I will not check out a post that tells me what I must (or must not do).

    Perhaps the figures say that others respond to those types of titles but I personally head the other way when someone tries to tell me that I have to do XYZ. I like simple titles that tell me what a post is about without a lot of hoopla. Entice me with your title, don’t try to command me with it.

    1. I am similar. I hate titles that have “must” in it and I hate “overhyped” titles too, but maybe we are minority

      1. Sage

        Doreen Platt & Anna Maledon, if you consider the topic of this post, it is about going viral. You must (I know) incite curiosity big time and the word “must” makes people wonder what that is that they “must” do.

        For you two, you are either cynical or too cool for school or both so you rebel. For most people, they click, click, click and the post goes viral. So your preference does not change the basic nature of most people and does not change the fact that these tactics work for many people including Michelle hare who want massive traffic.

        Thanks Michelle for these pointers, I am onto them!

  57. Helen

    Wow, great post!

    I’ll be creating more pins per post from now on. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

  58. Helen

    Wow, great post!

    I’ll be creating more pins per post from now on. Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

  59. Ryan

    Great post. I like the idea of multiple pins for the same post.

  60. This is the second post I’ve seen recently that mentioned multiple images for the same post. It must be a sign for me to try that! 🙂 Thank you for the tip!

  61. Jennifer Bovey

    Great post! thank you so much for detailing each point, the information was spot on and made me excited to implement these tips!

  62. Tosha

    These are wonderful tips since I’m I the process of getting my blog to go live. And the multiple pins, perfecting the picture, and hitting the WIIFM are great ideas to start trying. I’m also contemplating on purchasing the ebook I keep seeing from Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing which seems like a must have!

  63. Hi Michelle!

    Thank you so much for this post! I have been following Grace and Silas’ journey over the last year. You are one of my favorite bloggers and to see both inspiring blogs come together makes me so happy!

    I have been actively taking your advice for a couple years on my personal finances, including your affiliate course. This post is just what I need to keep pushing through and improving on my own site. I love seeing the guest posts on your site! I always say they must be doing something right if Michelle has them on her blog.

    Thank you again and I will be implementing these tips right now!

  64. pranav

    wow! you did what you wanted to.
    working from home has never been easy, thanks for this amazing article!

  65. I just found this post and want to thank you. For me, it’s all about content creation and how to get better in writing.
    Is there a similar post like this where you discuss topics such as “how to find topics/issues etc to write about”? I have the feeling that I think too complicated.

    Kind regards

  66. Shaun

    Great inspiration! After reading your post, it got me thinking that maybe I’m building too much content, and can benefit from putting more calories into each post. Appreciate you sharing your thoughts!

  67. Alison

    Great tips here. I like the idea of multiple Pinterest images, I’ve not thought of that before

  68. Thank you for sharing. I love the idea of multiple Pinterest images, would never have thought of that 🙂

  69. Alejandra

    Great post, I will remember to work on creating more than just one post to share my blog post on Pinterest.
    Thanks for sharing!

  70. Incredible pointers. I’m just starting out with Pinterest and it’s a bit overwhelming. I’m not great at design so I’m working hard to put together visually stunning images.

    It’s a work in progress but it’s fun and exciting to learn and get better. This post is one I’ll reread a lot.

    Thanks for sharing!

  71. Great points! I’ve done a bit of A/B testing with Pinterest but never thought of doing more than just two – going to be giving that a try!

  72. Cait

    Thank you so much for such a great post! I learned a lot of tips from this! And it answered a lot of questions I have been having. I have always used pinterest but I have been having a hard time using it for my new blog and understanding the ins and outs. And it may seem dumb, but I have seen a lot of tips on joining group boards but I have been trying to figure out how to join them and you are the first to clarify that! So thanks 🙂 Hopefully these tips will help me! I’m looking forward to seeing some results. I felt like this post was speaking about me except that’s currently me, Not a past me lol but I’m just going to keep at this! This post gave me a little bit of motivation! So thanks again!

  73. Ashley

    These tips are wonderful and actually useful. I’m glad you gave image examples. I am a newbie starting out trying for a second time to do this the right way. I will definitely be back again.

  74. Sarah

    My take home from this post is WIIFM. Writing posts which benefit my readers, with better titles. Besides creating content, I also need to focus more on better promotion. Thanks for all the great tips.

  75. Great post. Learned a lot. Thank you.