Free Money Management Course – Master Your Money!

Personal finance is my passion, and due to that, I have created a free money management course to help as many people as possible. Master Your Money is a free email course that will help you manage your money better. I’ve included all of the top money management lessons that I can into one great…

Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Last Updated: December 28, 2023

Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning if you decide to make a purchase via my links, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. See my disclosure for more info.

Personal finance is my passion, and due to that, I have created a free money management course to help as many people as possible.

With this free money management course, you can finally manage your money better, pay off debt, save more money, reach financial freedom, and more. Learn how to save money in college, how to save money for a house, how to save money each week, how to save money in your 20s, monthly, on bills, groceries, and more!Master Your Money is a free email course that will help you manage your money better. I’ve included all of the top money management lessons that I can into one great online personal finance course.

Trust me, you need this!

With this course, you can finally manage your money better, pay off debt, save more money, reach financial freedom, and more.

  • 68% of people live paycheck to paycheck.
  • 26% have no emergency savings.
  • The median amount saved for retirement is less than $60,000.
  • 45% of households do not have anything saved for retirement.
  • The average household has $7,283 in credit card debt.
  • The average student loan debt is $32,264.

In this free email course, I will show you exactly how to manage your money better, so that you can reach your financial goals.

Each day, for ten days, you will receive an email from me that will help you reach financial freedom. Here’s a quick outline of what you will learn in this free 10-day email course:

  • Day 1: Reasons You Need A Budget
  • Day 2: How To Create A Successful Budget
  • Day 3: 7 Tips To Effectively Stick To A Budget
  • Day 4: Everything You Need To Know About Emergency Funds
  • Day 5: Making Saving Money Fun
  • Day 6: The Complete Credit Score Guide
  • Day 7: The Importance Of Paying Yourself First
  • Day 8: The Easy Steps To Take To Start Investing
  • Day 9: Creating an Emergency List For Your Family
  • Day 10: Start Making More Money

Plus, you’ll receive a few free printables (such as a budget worksheet to help you successfully create your own budget).

You can sign up by clicking on this link or by entering your information in the form below. Enjoy!

Subscribe to get the free Master Your Money course!

Join this free 10-day email course and finally learn how to manage your money better, pay off debt, save more money, and reach financial freedom. Get our newsletter and get access to the freebie:

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Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Author: Michelle Schroeder-Gardner

Hey! I’m Michelle Schroeder-Gardner and I am the founder of Making Sense of Cents. I’m passionate about all things personal finance, side hustles, making extra money, and online businesses. I have been featured in major publications such as Forbes, CNBC, Time, and Business Insider. Learn more here.

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  1. Really nice idea!!!

  2. Kalie @ Pretend to Be Poor

    Wow, you’ve been busy! Thanks for creating these free courses!

  3. Dividends Down Under

    Sounds like a great course Michelle and super awesome of you to offer it as a free resource!

    Those financial statistics sadly make a lot of sense – but are still shocking to see written out like that. I hope your free course can help change a few of those statistics for the better 🙂


  4. The fact that almost half of us have nothing saved for retirement is so alarming. So very alarming. What an awesome resource you’ve created!

  5. Very nice giveaway, Michelle!

  6. Loving all these courses, Michelle!!

  7. Sounds like a great course that I wish everyone would take at some point! I’ve talked about it before, but educating the youth on money management is so important. I would suggest every school (middle, high, graduate, etc) to require some sort of finance class. It can only help the population as they grow and hopefully treat their money smartly.

  8. Stefanie O’Connell

    “68% of people live paycheck to paycheck” – I just can’t…. so disturbing.

  9. Lindsey

    Can’t wait to take this course!

  10. Looking forward to taking this course Michelle!

  11. Thanks for offering this course for free! I have some debt to pay off, so I am sure it will help!

  12. Amanda-LivingFullyandFree

    I was actually working on a similar course to offer to email subscribers! Thanks for sharing Michelle!

  13. cat

    Thank you very much Michelle. I am looking forward to the course and more sharing from you.
    I will start a blog by signing up from your page right not. I’m totally inspired by your story.
    Thank you for your sharing! 😉

  14. JT

    I signed up! I also forwarded your site to friends who will be informed and inspired by your resources and stories.

    I do pretty well with a budget now but am always looking to improve. Thanks for providing this course!

  15. Megan Soro

    Signed up, and I’m liking it so far! We’re living paycheck to paycheck trying to pay down as much student loans as possibly without killing ourselves. You’ve offered some useable ideas! Loved Day 9! It never occurred to me that I handle 90% of the finances and my boyfriend has no access to those accounts! We’ll be setting up our file this week!

    1. Glad you’re enjoying it 🙂

  16. Hazel

    Thanks so much Michelle! All your posts are very helpfull as well as inspirational and i look foward to taking your courses 😀

  17. Ricky

    Thanks for the free course! I will definitely check it out!